Supporting clients to be the best that they can be is by far and away my greatest motivator. I know how hard the road can be if you are on your own trying to work things out – there is nothing more valuable than a sounding board.
Focussed time to reflect and challenge yourself, increased capability and confidence, clearer direction, improved wellbeing and resilience.
Burn Out
Two-thirds of employees have experienced burn out at some time in their lives. 36% of workers say organisations have no plan to cope. 50% of women in leadership positions suffer burnout too.
Menopause and perimenopause can have an incredible impact on a woman’s life, work and relationships. Amongst the range of symptoms, any woman may have one or more in different intensities.
In our hectic lives, we sometimes forget to check in with ourselves. Therefore, we sometimes don’t realise our wellbeing is suffering until we are struggling because of it
Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally
A Little bit about me…
I started my career in HR over 30 years ago. Originally, I worked for an IT company but then moved into the City to work for two investment banks. Each organisation brought challenges: the first went into receivership within two months of me joining (nothing to do with me) and fought for 5 years to survive, it was a massive learning experience but watching a top 100 plc crumble was challenging both as a professional and a human being. The City was an amazing time (including a spell in Hong Kong) however, having worked with so many people with stress or burn out it started a desire to support and protect mental health and encourage good emotional wellbeing.
Helen is a Panic and Anxiety practitioner, Trauma informed coach and emotional mastery qualified trainer. In the about me and contact me bit.
A bit about my clients
Clients include;
GE Siemans, EDF, BT, Santander, Centrica, Accenture, EE, NHS, Morrisons, Sainsburys, BAE Systems, Smith and Nephew, Nestle, JLR, Johnson Matthey, HSBC, Sports Council England, Candlelighters Nationwide.
Currently working with many clients at all levels including: CEO’s, business heads, senior managers, team leaders and career coaching clients at all levels from all types of sectors both public, private and third sector.
Areas of expertise in coaching are focussed around Wellbeing, including mindfulness, stress and resilience. Talent, performance improvement and development whether individual or organisation, diversity, confidence and self esteem, personal growth and change.
The tools used vary depending on the needs of the client but include models such as CBT, circles of influence, mindfulness, career assessment, career lines, career values, my best self exercise, skills analysis, action planning, wheel of life, Belbin, Change models. This list is not exhaustive.
Access can be face to face, by zoom or teams or by phone or email during the coaching cycle.